Friday, March 26, 2010

A Teaser

There is this Teaser Tuesday meme that's been going about on a lot of book blogs, and I was thinking of starting them, but then I'm currently reading this book that I think is beautifully descriptive and captures the human emotion so very well that I thought I'd go against traditions and post up a bit from this book although today's not yet Tuesday... 

I was in the shop well before opening time, browsing shelf by shelf through New Fiction, to see which not-so-new fiction I must relegate to the less prominent Novels & Stories shelves. Because of that dreary human predilection for the shiny and new, I always feel when I make this shift as if I'm sending so many bright, hopeful creatures out to pasture before their youth is spent. (Though I would never condemn them, as other shops do, to a section entitled Literature, a word which to my admittedly overschooled mind is ossified and clubby. I picture a mausoleum, filled with sagging armchairs and lamps that cast inadequate, jaundiced light )  

Don't you just love the way the author gives life not only to her characters, but also character to books. How many of you have the same attachment for books ?  I know I do :)

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